Chow Chow Breed Council


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The Chow Chow Breed Council is an association of all of the 9 UK Breed Clubs. It was registered with the Kennel Club in December 1993. The aims and objectives of the Breed Council are :
- To urge Breeders, Judges and Show Committees to accept the Breed Standard as the only standard of excellence for the breeding and judging of Chow Chows.
- The Council will encourage activities with the clubs, helping to create facilities for those seeking information to further their knowledge of the breed, and to maintain and promote the standard of excellence in the breed.
- To enable all member Chow Chow Clubs in the U.K. to speak with a united voice on all matters affecting the breed.
- To maintain judges lists and support the training and education of judges.
- To make recommendations to the Committee of the Kennel Club.

Two representatives from each Club meet three times a year to discuss Chow related topics.

Chow Chow Breed Standard Sub-Committee working alongside the 7 Breed Clubs and the Royal Kennel Club consisting of : Mrs Claire Merrion, Mrs Sheila Jakeman, Mr Rod Oldham and Mrs Pam Godber.

Health Sub-Committee : Mrs Claire Merrion, Mrs Pauline Lock, Mrs Sheila Jakeman, Mr & Mrs Pam & Stef Godber, Mrs Chris Clucas, Mrs Sandra Stafford and Miss Gillian Claxton

Breed Education Coordinator and Health Coordinator : Mr Rhys Green 01558 685482

Elected annually at the Chow Chow Breed Council - Annual General Meeting by the member clubs.

Mr Thomas Oakley (Sukura)
23 Byron Avenue, Long Eaton, Nottingham NG10 4EY
Tel. 01159 733199

Mrs Claire Merrion (Melclare)
57 Russet Avenue, Needingworth, St. Ives, Cambs. PE27 4UE
Tel. 01480 466352 - email

Vice Chairman / Health Co-ordinator & C.J.T.S. Administrator
Mr Rhys Green
Sunnybank, Llansawe, Llandeilo, Carms, SA19 7PE
Tel. 01558 685481 - email

Carole Ann Powers
Tel. 07889 175399 - email

Health Co-ordinator Assistant
Mrs Pauline Lock (COAPE Dip in Animal behaviour and MSc Psych; Dip CABT in Human Psychology)
Patrice, The Green, Dauntsey, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 4HY
Tel. 01666 510859 - email

Chow Chow Breed Council

The AGM will take place on 16th March 2025 at the Church Hall, Station Rd, Whitacre Heath, Coleshill, Warks, B46 2EH, commencing at 10 a.m.

Nominations and/or Resolutions to be proposed and seconded through a member club and to be sent to the Secretary Mrs C. Merrion, 57 Russett Avenue, Needingworth, St. Ives, Cambs., PE27 4UE and to be received by the 18th February 2024.

Individuals are welcome to attend and can raise any urgent matters in AOB at the discretion of the Chairman but no voting can take place.

Donations : The Breed Council's aim is to achieve the highest possible standards relating to the Chow Chow. We are a non profit organisation and we regularly hold Health Seminars and Health Testing Assessments. Should anybody wish to make a donation to help cover some of our costs we would be very grateful and payments can be made to the Chow Chow Breed Council Health Fund.

Website by J Marchetti - Chow's Who © 2017 Chow Chow Breed Council - All rights reserved  
Tower Bridge picture used on this page : Diego Delso,, License CC-BY-SA