This autumn the administrator of the CJTS, the Secretary of the Breed Council and Mrs Chris Clucas plan to get together and work on the early update of the Joint Breed Council / CJTS combined judging lists, so that the new lists are finalised for early January. Please send in your update yearly if you have judged during the current year.
Please find below a downloadable PDF form to be completed telling us of the CHOW judging assignments you have undertaken. The Kennel Club insists that you keep complete and accurate records, and it is your interest to do so. In the past we have been aware that some people are confused when stating the number of classes / dogs judged, and for this reason we ask that you re-submit information of you past engagements, so that both you and I have a precise record. Please record your details as accurately as possible, for example, do not include classes as being judged if there were no entries in that class, or there were entries but they were all absent. Likewise only count the number of dogs present as dogs being judged. Please take a look at the PDF example below, then download the two page update forms as given in the PDF files below, after completions please return to :
Mrs P. H. Lock
Patrice, The Green
Dauntsey, Chippenham
Telephone : 01666 510859
Email : |

In order to help you to fill in the form, you will find here an example of filled in Judges Record form
Each time you judge, you are required to send your critiques to one or both of the weekly dog press, either by post or e-mail to |